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Texting Safety: What Older Adults Should Know About Smishing

Digital technology like smartphones have made our lives easier and more convenient. Email, e-commerce, and texting allow users to communicate, conduct business while on-the-go, and send short messages to friends and family. For seniors living alone, smartphones offer safety, security, and the ability to stay connected.

While the pros associated with smartphones are impressive, there are some cons to be aware of – especially if you are an older adult. Robocalls, spoofing, and phishing are common methods used by cyber criminals to gain access to personal and financial information. Smishing is a more recent technique used by cyber criminals that is particularly effective. To learn more about smishing and how to protect your digital information, read on.

What is Smishing?

Identity theft is one of the most common types of cybercrime. Hackers use email (phishing), text messages (smishing), and phone calls (vishing) in an attempt to steal personal information. Both phishing and smishing messages contain links that either lead victims to a form where they can enter information or download malware onto their devices.

What does a smishing message look like?

While phishing has been around for decades, smishing attacks are relatively new – and they are on the rise. Smishing messages appear to come from a trusted source like a bank, government agency, or store. The content and the type of link included in the message varies. However, most will contain some sort of warning (e.g., account being suspended) or an announcement (e.g., prize or discount), with either a link or a phone number to call.

How to Prevent Smishing

Seniors may be more vulnerable to cybercrimes like identity theft because they are not as tech-savvy as their younger counterparts. There is also some evidence that suggests that normal cognitive changes associated with aging may also increase the risk of becoming a victim.

Reducing your risk of becoming a victim of a smishing attack is relatively straightforward. In addition to being able to identify a smishing message, it is important to know what to do if you receive one. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends the following tips:

  • Don’t click on links or telephone numbers. Doing so can give access to your personal information or download malware to your smart device.
  • Don’t respond to the message – that includes texting the word “STOP” to be removed from the list.
  • Remove spam texts by deleting them.
  • Install security updates for your smartphone as soon as they are available.

Common sense and patience are needed when dealing with phishing, smishing, and vishing attacks. Most smishing messages try to create a sense of urgency in order to trigger a quick response. Before responding to the message, verify that it has been sent by a legitimate company or organization by contacting them separately. It is also helpful to remember that financial institutions and government agencies (e.g., IRS) will not correspond via text nor will they ask for personal or sensitive information. Finally, messages that seem suspicious or too good to be true, should be dealt with cautiously.

When in doubt, ask a friend or family member you trust for help in determining whether the message is legitimate or if it should be deleted. Increasing your cybersecurity knowledge may also be beneficial – check your local library to see if classes are offered. There is also a wealth of information available online like the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s resource page for older adults.

If you are worried you might be the victim of a smishing attack or other cybercrime, contact the National Elder Fraud Hotline at (833) 372-8311 for assistance.

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