The latest installment of the Signature Author Series at The Bristal at York Avenue featured author Jennifer Ashley Tepper. An acclaimed Broadway producer and historian, Tepper presented stories from her groundbreaking research, Women Writing Musicals: The Legacy that the History Books Left Out.
The book is the first to spotlight the lives and histories of more than 300 women who have shaped Broadway and Off-Broadway musicals, revealing their invaluable contributions to the world of theater. In her presentation to residents of The Bristal, Tepper discussed an array of female creators, from scrappy, turn-of-the-century composers, to inventive Great Depression-era lyricists who pioneered new avenues for the genre, to writers of protest musicals during the social justice movements of the 1960s and 1970s, to the unique and inspiring women of today's American musical theater landscape.
Residents of The Bristal received signed copies of Women Writing Musicals and are looking forward to the next event in the Signature Author Series.
Copies of Jennifer Ashley Tepper's work can be purchased from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.