The Bristal Assisted Living Blog

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Why The Bristal Has Art Programming for Memory Care

At The Bristal, our Reflections memory care program emphasizes the importance of creative arts in our daily programming. These artistic initiatives provide a meaningful outlet for self-expression and creativity, delivering notable cognitive and emotional benefits for those facing memory loss, including Alzheimer’s and other dementias. A central goal of our art programming is to cultivate a deep sense of purpose and community among our residents, enriching their lives and improving their overall well-being. 

Reflections residents are offered a variety of art programs weekly, personalized for their skills, interests, and needs. Our expertly trained care team chooses art programs to both encourage engagement and to be therapeutically beneficial, enriching residents’ lives. 

Art Therapist Elena Goldberg at The Bristal at Englewood takes great pride in the flexibility of art programming and how personal each resident’s exploration can be. She stated, “The most important thing for me is to put out a program at a high level and let them find where their level is … [The objective] when you work with seniors is to push them a little bit out of their comfort zone, depending on the resident, you have to know the situation, but it’s also to let them play.”

This blog explores the benefits of art programming in memory care and shares examples of the types of programs Reflections residents can expect.

Benefits of Art Programming in Memory Care

Most people thrive when they can express themselves, and art is an outlet for creative expression where you can communicate beyond words. Older adults experiencing cognitive decline may find communication and sharing their feelings challenging, especially as their disease progresses. Research has shown that art therapy can help improve verbal skills, attention, and orientation — and essentially serve as an alternate way to communicate.

Art provides a means to convey thoughts and feelings, which may significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and overall well-being. Art can spark joy and instill a sense of accomplishment. Learn more about the benefits and specific art programming examples in our Reflections communities: 

Cognitive Stimulation

New York art gallery

Creating and exploring art activates aspects of the mind and engages participants in ways they may not otherwise engage. Art programming can stimulate memory recall, strengthen fine motor skills, and promote mental alertness. 

Art can also positively trigger sensory experiences by integrating the use of varied textures, colors, and materials. Art Therapist Elena described an unusual pairing of mixing an ordinary material, crayons, with a more advanced medium, watercolor, to create a positive, yet unexpected, artistic exploration. 

She said, "Crayons mixed with watercolor create a really unique design element and every time you do it, it's different. We did a project where we used crayons and literally played with three or four different materials. The results were really astounding and [residents] asked if they could do it again next week." 

Taken together, the unique cognitive stimulation of creating and exploring art can help slow cognitive decline.

Art Programming Examples at The Bristal: 

  • Art Appreciation: Our interactive discussions and gallery outings offer opportunities to celebrate, appreciate, and critique works, providing for cognitive engagement and cultural enrichment.
  • Various mediums: Our team offers a guided exploration of multiple mediums, from watercolors and acrylics to clay modeling. Considering the residents’ needs and preferences, expertly trained staff offer specific tools and materials to best allow for freedom of expression. In this environment, creativity knows no bounds.

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Emotional Regulation

Senior making pottery at a pottery wheel

Art grants individuals a safe platform to express complex emotions, which can be incredibly therapeutic, especially for those struggling with verbal expression.

Stress reduction is a significant benefit of art programming. The act of creating art is innately relaxing and meditative. It can be calming, reduce anxiety, and promote a more peaceful state of mind. 

The sense of achievement from completing an art project can also significantly boost self-esteem and confidence.

Art Programming Examples at The Bristal: 

  • Art partners: Collaborating with a Reflections team member or a volunteer can be the key to creating a safe space for residents to comfortably express themselves through art. Guidance, friendship, and positive reinforcement can make all the difference.
  • Open studio: For the resident inspired by spontaneity, our Creative Arts Studio provides all necessary materials for independent art creation, allowing for freedom of expression at any moment. Many residents use the open studio time to unwind and relax in a calming environment.

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Social Engagement

art studio

Group art programming fosters a community atmosphere where residents can connect, share stories, and support one another, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.  Art Therapist Elena stated that the social engagement and self-reflection of creating art and sharing it can be incredibly thought-provoking for residents. "We're always gathering our art and putting it aside and writing on the back what our thoughts were, what our feelings were when we were painting it."

Art Programming Examples at The Bristal: 

  • Themed projects: We frequently organize thematic art projects that coincide with seasons, holidays, or reminiscence prompts, allowing residents to celebrate and create within a communal context.
  • Exhibitions: We hold regular exhibitions within our community to honor and showcase our residents' artistic achievements. These events are joyous celebrations that highlight the importance of art in their lives.

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Creating New Memories and Building Self Image Through Art

Art can be a powerful tool when engaging with memory care residents. Our expertly trained care team has witnessed residents discover new talents and reconnect with long-forgotten skills.

Art Therapist Elena has observed "residents who have never thought of themselves as artists" feel proud about displaying and sharing their artistic creations. She said, "When I do an art therapy experience, everybody is in their own place. We're not comparing. We're not competing. We have a real fun experience seeing what each person can create from the same activity — all these different results ... This is an opportunity to grow." 

Art programming can help residents and their families continue to connect, creating new experiences and memories.

Discover Reflections Memory Care

Discover our memory care neighborhoods to see how our specialized programming brings peace and comfort to residents and their families. 




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